Introduction to Anyflexo Flexopedia

“Anyflexo Flexopedia” is a central depository for all the flexographic knowledge about flexography Printing. With this knowledge website we really want to create a true library of flexography printing knowledge, where everyone can come and read, learn and even can share their knowledge about flexography printing.

Why Flexopedia?

Living in the information age, where everything is available in some clicks, but getting the right knowledge and all at once from one place is difficult. Same goes with flexography printing knowledge as well, the information is available but extremely scattered.

So with Flexopedia, we aim to bring together, more and more information right from the basics of flexo to high level technical knowledge, industry news, solutions about common flexo problems, events of flexo printing industry so that they everyone can learn about the flexography form one central platform.

What can I expect here?

You can expect content related to only Flexography printing industry. They are on topics of the following:

  • Flexographic basics
  • High Flexography Technical knowledge
  • Industry News
  • Some common problem solutions
  • Innovations of industry
  • Flexography events around thew world

New Topics will be added regularly. We want to provide all these contents in the best fun way possible, so flexography looks interesting.

Is Flexopedia Free?

Yes access to flexopedia and its content is absolutely free.

Can I Share my knowledge or contribute to the flexo content of Flexopedia?

For sure, we would be happy to have your contribution in terms of knowledge about flexography and any things related to this industry.

But please note we will read your submissions and only decide to post it. You can read more about how to make a contribution here.

Who handles Flexopedia?

The website and content is created by and dynamic team of experts who are also long terms experts in this field. For any questions about the platform or about us, please contact us via:

Tel: +372 5593 7959
Post: Lõõtsa tn 2b, Tallinn 11415, Estonia

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